Kanga Club Picnic

Now’s the time the Kanga Club
Gather here each year
Hugs and kisses all around
Lots of drinking beer


Those that move around them
Privileged they be
Witnessing this celebration
Unique to Australie

Don Matthews
January 2021

Published by donmatthewspoetry

I just like playing round with words. And having fun

2 thoughts on “Kanga Club Picnic

    1. Have no fear Ingrid. His mates came in from the wild all over the state. Many would not have even seen a golf course. Skip, being semi-domesticated, was able to warn them about flying golf balls etc. I ride him around the course each day. Says hello to the regulars. Pops into the Clubroom for a pint. You didn’t know kangaroos were welcome inside? At the bar? Well there ya go. You learn something new each day…..So no fear Ingrid. You could say he way like the tour guide for the day….

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