Flashback – ‘Kiosk’ Rumpelstilz (1976)

I’m sure you will all remember this smash hit from 1976

I only select the best for our FCS Flashback Hit Parade.

Lyrics at end. Whatever they mean….

[Schtrofä 1]
Aer sammli ne guete Zwäck
Since dä Fritz, where before mer steit
Derby muesi sälber collect, we the so wyter geit
Si wei aui öppis vo mer
Ds Military u ds Stüürbüro
Although si ersch degree chürzlech he my payday übercho

[Schtrofä 2]
After that it’s called I myre Stammbeiz
“You pay no beer”
But I don’t know what sew, I am finally bull
And there chunnt against a
Wott it cigarette sew
Naturlech’s my Letschti gsy , unes Füür hanem ou no gäh

Bini Gottfriedstutz e kiosk? Or bini öppen e bank?
Or would you like to see a hotel? Or is there a cash register?
Bini Gottfriedstutz e kiosk? Or bini öppen e bank?
Or would you like to see a hotel? Or is there a cash register?

[Schtrofä 3]
Yes, there is such a wild hippie with patched trousers.
U asks me overfründlech
“Säg, hesch mer nid two Schtei?”
U chuum tough meter wyter, I chatter a aa
It long em not for the bus ticket, or it can be Füffzgi ha

Published by donmatthewspoetry

I just like playing round with words. And having fun

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